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Harvard® Frameworks & Templates: Innovation, Negotiation, Project, Risk, Responsibility Charts

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Two Essential Collaborative-Innovation Workshops for All Teams in All Sectors

1. Deep Dive into the Art and Science of Collaborative Innovation:
Hands-on Teamwork, Practical Skills & Proven Tools for Teams
to Incubate, Create/Invent, Strategize, Build, Deliver, Test
and Evaluate High-Impact Scalable Innovations

2. For Team Leaders: Co-Elevating Innovation Leadership & Management Skills,
Proven Tools and Emerging Practices,
Applicable to Leading Knowledge Workers

Led by Award-Winning Innovators and Experienced Leaders
in Scientific, Engineering & Social Innovations and Complex Change

Please contact us at for:
  • Identical program in French and Spanish.
  • These webinars or the complete innovation-certification program to be held in your business, graduate school, NGO or government agency
Program Leaders

Alain Paul Martin (Harvard-MIT trained leader, meta-innovation scientist) and Dr. Rob Stephens (PhD engineer, nanotechnology), Sr. Partner, Science & Technology Innovation (PDI) and former Director, Applied Research & Technology, Teck (Canada's largest diversified resources company).

Program Description

This hybrid-learning experience blending webinars, face-to-face seminars and hand-on teamwork, is applicable to technical and social innovations, ranging from aerospace, medicine and other life sciences to national and food security, IT, virtual communities and commerce, banking, education, manufacturing, energy and mining, start-ups, NGOs and foundations, organizational governance, strategy and policy making.

Program Leaders: Alain Paul Martin (Harvard-MIT trained leader, meta-innovation scientist) and Dr. Rob Stephens, a PhD engineer in nanotechnology, who directed engineers and scientists at Teck's Applied Research & Technology, and is now mentoring innovation leaders in science, engineering and advanced mining.

The participants dive not only into the critical success factors for innovation leadership; and will practice hands-on exercises to validate innovation goals and strategies from unleashing unconstrained, wide and inclusive imagination, ideation, proof of concept cross-pollination and validity testing to discovery design, prototyping, expanding the pie, production, delivery and impact evaluation from both a formative and summative perspectives.

The complete program is crafted to nurture new ways of thinking; provide hands-on skills and competencies to unleash your team's creativity for groundbreaking innovations. It is intended for private and public-sector scientists, engineers, policy makers, team leaders and innovators striving to create groundbreaking products, services, strategic policies, processes, organizations, platforms and/or networks.

Whether you are a beginner or an accomplished innovator, you will leave each workshop, webinar and hads-on bootcamp with practical knowledge, skills and tools to excel with your team, in the post-COVID turbulent environment.

The Complete Innovation Cycle is a hybrid learning experience for innovators and aspiring counterparts, who wish to deep dive into the art and science of innovation. It blends individual preparation readings and exercises in advance of each session, practical face-to-face seminars/workshops, hands-on bootcamps and virtual webinars.

The material covered applies to a wide range of physical, virtual or a hybrid products, services, policies and experiments; from the private, public and non-governmental sectors, including educational, medical, industrial, infrastructural, financial, IT and/or defense innovations.

Our skills-development seminars and Harvard University Global System™ tools have made a positive and sustainable difference to team-leaders' performance worldwide in meeting one or more of the following goals: Acquiring these tools from PDI intensive practical skills-development workshops (integrating sessions on leadership, innovation, negotiation, strategy, risk and project management) provides you with the competencies and toolkit to:
  • Unlock endless opportunities through the art and science of innovation and complexity reduction;
  • Predict and tackle the incubation of issues (threats and opportunities) better and preferably earlier than can be achieved through other means; thus, allowing more time for creativity and better choices for sustainable solutions
  • Create and deliver superior value both in the physical and virtual value chains to:
    • Forge a highly-performing organization and outpace competitors;
    • Save lives;
    • Address inequities, social injustice, exclusion, education and other sources of poverty and mental-health issues;
    • Build an innovative, just, equitable and universally-caring nation; .
    • Enabling greener living and significant socioeconomic rewards, by tackling the world''s most pressing climate-change, public-health, wildlife, biodiversity-conservation and other ecosystem-sustainability challenges, across social systems from individuals to global organizations and communities.

  • Select and associate with reliable allies and teammates;
  • Exceed expectations; and
  • Earn the rewards and recognition you deserve.

Our Unique Approach and Ongoing Journey

Advancing the practice and teaching of innovation begins with never-ending questions, into the past and present, about imagination, inclusion, creativity, discovery, sustainability, design, scaling, value delivery and ongoing improvement, such as:

  • What can we learn from universally-applicable and timeless innovations that stood the test of time (e.g. Unicode's Joe Becker, Louis Braille, Joseph Fourier...)? The participants will be introduced to an innovation that has been applied both in small and multi-billion dollar projects to significantly advance the competencies of the whole project team, including support staff. The acquired skills also helped to break key linguistic-communication barriers for global teams who don't speak each other language..

  • What about todays's invaluable cutting-edge discoveries, such as the work of Nobel Laureates Emmanuelle Charpentier's and Jennifer Doudna's teams who spawned an innovation wave of endless medical, agricultural and biodiversity-conservation applications by their collaborative teamwork that transformed the CRISPR and Cas9-enzyme combination into a game-changing gene-editing tool?

    This invention led to a disruptive "technology that [offers better precision in less time and] allows scientists to quickly target, delete and repair any mutated sequence of DNA in any gene. Other gene-editing tools have emerged in recent years, but none seems to match the precision, low cost and usability of CRISPR, which is rapidly transforming genetic research and has entered testing as a medical treatment."* Although requiring less than 1% of its predecessors' cost, CRIPR' operational costs, at scale, are still prohibitive in health care.

    During this workshop, the participants will build on the learning from the sessions on "unconstrained imagination, inclusive idea generation and Harvard® Structured Creativity Template" as well as their own experience to explore novel ways to address vital CRISPR caveats about the natural, intentional and accidental hazards. They will apply the learning on strategy (e.g. Louis Pasteur's and Joseph Lister's precedents) to explore ways to orchestrate change and build collective intelligence to implement the options they chose.

  • What foresight can we glean from the successes and failure of clients, peers, distinguished scientists (e.g. Darwin, Pasteur, Nobel laureates collaborating in cross-border teams), and outstanding innovation teams in business, NGOs, governments and educational institutions?

  • Can we leverage the invaluable feedback provided by webinar participants, peers and professional networks to improve our curriculum (vision, content and pedagogical method)?
Our skill-building webinars and supporting Harvard® framework and tool library (roadmaps, templates, equations and algorithms) are the products of that journey.

On skills delivery, we capitalize on Lawrence-Lorsh differentiation-integration paradigm. Thus, in this webinar, participants across domains learn, share and practice universal skills (integration) together in teams. In our inhouse domain-specific webinars, we focus on tools applicable to an innovation sector/segment or even a project team (differentiation), a multi-company task force developing a new platform for a mRNA clinical-trial pipeline or a defense-intelligence innovation boot camp.

* Excerpt from "Mark Shwartz: "Target, delete, repair[!] CRISPR is a revolutionary gene-editing tool, but it's not without risk"

The Professional Development Institute® PDI Inc.
PDI Conference Campus & Harvard® Worldwide Order Center
Toll-free: USA and Canada: 1-800-HARVARD (1-800-427-8273). +1-819-772-7777
Monday through Thursday: 9 AM to 4:00 PM, EDT. Voicemail: 24 hours 7 days
Important: Sorry, all visits by appointment only. No walk-ins.
70 Technology Boulevard, Gatineau, QC J8Z 3H8 CANADA. 
We are 10-minute drive from downtown Ottawa (Parliament),
Canada's capital, near the magnificent Gatineau Federal Park.
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