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Harvard® Frameworks & Templates: Innovation, Negotiation, Project, Risk, Responsibility Charts

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Harvard University Global System™
Framework Comprising Road Maps, Templates and Policies
to Improve Innovation, Performance and Decision Quality for Leaders and Teams

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  1. Harvard® Management Framework and Road Maps
  2. Harvard® Negotiation-Planning Templates
  3. Harvard® Project-Planning & Management Templates
  4. Harvard® Performance-Improvement & Productivity-Assessment Templates
  5. Harvard® Time-Management Templates

1. Harvard®Management Framework and Road Maps

Harvard® management framework and road maps are genuine performance-improvement instruments. To accomplish your goals and mission, they offer a practical methodology and proven templates for preparing business plans, formulating a strategy, undertaking M&A due diligence and managing projects, risks and personal and team time. Both the laminated and the framed posters are so attractive, they can fit in a boardroom, a learning center or an office. Four posters are now available: Risk Management, Principled Negotiation Framework, Practical Time Management and a master road map titled "The Complete Framework: Vision, Strategy, Policy and Project Management".

The Complete Framework
Vision, Strategy, Policy
and Project Management
Continuous Risk Management
The Complete Roadmap
Principled Negotiation
Framework and Templates
Practical Time Management
The Complete Road Map
Order Code: Z1 The Complete Framework: Vision, Strategy, Policy & Project Management Order Code: Z16 Risk Management Order Code: Z49 Principled Negotiation Order Code: Z39 Practical Time Management

To order click on image

2. Harvard® Negotiation-Planning Templates

An integral part of Harvard University Global System™ (HUGS), these instruments help you promptly prepare for critical negotiations by stengthening the scope of the negotiation and its linkage to your mission; understanding the stakes and the stakeholders' interests, perceptions and power dynamics; crafting innovative options for mutual gains and improving the quality of the deliverables and the sustainability of the deal. HUGS instruments help reduce the uncertainty facing negotiators, mediators, arbitrators, project managers, bankers, diplomats and other professionals, be they tackling big-ticket items or day-to-day negotiation work.

Users report a constructive dialog facilitating thorough deal-making or a graceful exit (when appropriate), a better compliance and improved communications. Subjected to extensive field tests, HUGS templates are also potent brainstorming tools to anticipate and manage frequently-neglected risks.

Harvard® Negotiation-Mandate
One for Each Negotiating Party.
Negotiation-Strategy Brainstorming
with Harvard® Creativity Template
Harvard® Responsibility & Accountability Chart

Negotiation Mandate  (Code 45N) Negotiation-Strategy Tool  (Code 55) Responsibility &Accountability Chart  (Code 60A)

Description & Ordering

Description & Ordering

Description & Ordering

Harvard® Negotiation-Mandate Definition  (Code 45N) is the first in a set of three practical templates used to plan and conduct principled negotiations. This step-by-step template helps negotiators define the scope of the negotiation from the perspective of each party. A clear mandate means a strong mission focus with valid goals and deliverables, adequate resources and a sound evaluation system with objectively verifiable standards and performance indicators.

To address the pervasive uncertainty in any negotiation, the Template includes a framework to test goal validity, make explicit the grey areas of uncertainty beyond each negotiating party’s control, and identify and manage, for each party, both the initial and residual value-chain risks.

Complete one document for each side, including key stakeholders in multipartite negotiations.

Harvard® Responsibility & Accountability Chart is a governance instrument used to clarify roles and accountabilities in teams and between parties in a contract within and across multiple organizations. It helps team leaders, negotiators, lawyers, auditors and executives brainstorm and assign clear roles, validate responsibility, accountability and veto powers in any initiative, project or policy.

In negotiation, contracting, logistics and project management, Harvard® Responsibility & Accountability Chart brings to light early warnings of potential delays, helps in the prevention and adjudication of role conflicts, particularly those related to managing transitions, mergers and reorganizations. The instrument has been proven to (a) bring rigor to job descriptions, (b) facilitate job analysis, and (c) run fair and equitable performance evaluation.

The second page provides a step-by-step scenario to identify risks specifically related to responsibility and veto. Thus, users can act early to mitigate risk and prepare a contingency plan to address residual risks.

3. HUGS Project-Planning and Management Tools

These practical instruments help project managers and their clients develop work plans, assign accountability, structure teams and control progress. They provide a systematic approach to define project focus, scope and strategy, identify deliverables, set key milestones, assign tasks and clarify everyone's role, manage risk, structure problem discovery and problem solving, and take control of change, all with an unwavering focus on purpose and mission. They enhance the productivity and innovation quality and capacity of team leaders and professionals. HUGS management templates are proven fact-finding tools to rigorously investigate untapped opportunities, think out of the box, reduce collateral damage, and anticipate surprise events and other sources of project delays and cost overruns.

Harvard® Project Scope
Deliverables & Evaluation Plan
Project Strategy Applying
Harvard® Creativity Template
Role Clarity with
Harvard® Responsibility & Accountability Chart

Project-Scope Definition (code 45A)

Project Strategy: Team-Brainstorming Board  (code 55A)

Responsibility & Accountability Chart  (Code 60A)

Description & Ordering

Description & Ordering

Description & Ordering

Harvard® Project-Scope Definition Template (Code 45A) is the first in a set of three practical instruments used to plan, implement and control projects, regardless of size and complexity.

It provides the road map to frame the issue, define the value chain, establish a clear mission-driven mandate with valid objectives and deliverables, adequate resources, verifiable value-creation indicators, performance benchmarks and a sound evaluation system.

Uncertainty is pervasive in project management. This instrument includes a framework to make explicit the grey areas of uncertainty related to the value chain: i.e. assumptions and conditions beyond the manager's and client's control. It is also a critical tool to identify and mitigate risks related to these conditions (Plan B) and to define and cover residual risks with adequate contingencies (Plan C). The two instruments in the columns on the right (Harvard® Creativity Template and Harvard® Responsibility Chart) address the risks related to resistance to change, responsibility/accountability and stakeholders. Execution risks (scheduling, budgeting, resource management, earned value) will be the subject of HUGS Project Management software.

This template is described above under "Harvard® Responsibility & Accountability Chart".

4. Time Tracking with Harvard® Mission-Centered Time Log
   Gathering, Diagnosis & Intervention on What Matters Most

Lasting control over your time is a wishful thinking unless it is based on facts. This practical instrument comes with a complete set of questions to assist you auditing your work practices, quickly discover and analyze where your time really goes, take corrective action, review progress and focus on real priorities, without ignoring unavoidable obligations... For more info and ordering

5. Harvard® Timesaving Tools

Harvard® Wall Planner
(Month at a glance)

Harvard® Wall Planner
(two months at a glance)

Multi-Function Grid

Project Scheduler

Order Code: Z91 Harvard Wall Planner Order Code: Z91 Harvard Wall Planner Order Code: Z95 Multi-Fuction Grid Order Code: Z96 Project Scheduler

To order click on image

In addition to the above road maps and posters, template forms are also available for Meetings, Notes & Tabular Reports and Action Planning & Tracking.

Action Form

Meeting, Planning & Control Form

Notes & Tabular Report

Grid Paper

Action Log (code 12A, 12B, 12E) Meeting, Planning &Amp; Control Form (code 14A, 14B, 14E) Notes &Amp; Tabular Report (code 22A, 22B, 22E) Grid Paper (code 23A)

To order, please either click on the above images and follow the links or call 1‑800‑HARVARD toll free, international: +1 819 772‑7777.

The Professional Development Institute® PDI Inc.
PDI Conference Campus & Harvard® Worldwide Order Center
Toll-free: USA and Canada: 1-800-HARVARD (1-800-427-8273). +1-819-772-7777
Monday through Thursday: 9 AM to 4:00 PM, EDT. Voicemail: 24 hours 7 days
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