The Professional Development Institute®
Harvard University Global SystemTM
Harvard® Planner Group
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Harvard® Frameworks & Templates: Innovation, Negotiation, Project, Risk, Responsibility Charts

Contact us: 24/7 voicemail:  +1-819-772-7777  Toll free:  1-800-HARVARD  

Preparation and Delivery Fees for Private Seminars
Conducted in Your Organization

        Fixed Flat Fees for Sessions of Up to 25 Participants
Continental USA
Latin America
Hawai, EU
UAE, Turkey
China, Korea
Japan, Australia
1 Day
$  7,800
    +1 Day
   +2 Day
   +2.5 Days
2 Days
   +1 Day
 +2 Day
 +2.5 Days
3 Days
 +1 Day
 +2 Day
 +2.5 Days
4 Days
 +1 Day
 +2 Day
 +2.5 Days
5 Days
 +1 Day
 +2 Day
 +2.5 Days

        Individual Fees for Each Additional Participant After the 25th.

1 Day
$   450
2 Day
$   800
3 Day
4 Day
5 Day

Short Presentations, Speeches and Conference Calls

Onsite presentations, requiring travel, are subject to the above per diem fees.

Short assignments of 90 minutes or less, via the internet, are billed at the rate of US$1,700 (net of applicable taxes), assuming less than an hour preparation time. Additional preparation time is billed at $1,040 per hour or the above $7,800 per day.

Terms & Conditions

The above fees will be effective starting Monday, October 1, 2018. They neither affect negotiated standing offers with governments nor commitments signed prior to the foregoing date. They apply to inhouse seminars delivered for a single organization, without alterations to the program outline, in sessions grouping up to 25 participants. A nominal sum is added to cover alterations, if significant. Please add value-added taxes (GST and PST or VAT) applicable to your jurisdiction on services and course materials.

The travel expenses for seminar leaders are on cost-recovery basis. They include airfare, ground transportation, meals, gratuities, airport taxes, hotel accomodation and Internet connection. In addition, a reasonable compensation will be claimed for domestic and international sessions where the workshop leader loses the equivalent of one or more working days in travel.

Pre-readings and course materials are available at a special rates that are significantly below retail prices. They vary depending upon the program content and duration. In addition to the participant manuals, handouts and case studies, they may include books such as Harnessing the Power of Intelligence, psychometric instruments (FIRO-B, SDI or MTBI), Harvard University Global System™ road maps and work-improvement templates.

If the session is not held in your premises, please add participant meals and refreshments, and the rental of conference rooms and audio-visuals. The following locations are suggested:

For more information, please contact (819) 772-7777, or dial toll free 1-800-HARVARD in North-America. International +1 (819) 772-7777.

The Professional Development Institute® PDI Inc.
PDI Conference Campus & Harvard® Worldwide Order Center
Toll-free: USA and Canada: 1-800-HARVARD (1-800-427-8273). +1-819-772-7777
Monday through Thursday: 9 AM to 4:00 PM, EDT. Voicemail: 24 hours 7 days
Important: Sorry, all visits by appointment only. No walk-ins.
70 Technology Boulevard, Gatineau, QC J8Z 3H8 CANADA. 
We are 10-minute drive from downtown Ottawa (Parliament),
Canada's capital, near the magnificent Gatineau Federal Park.