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Harvard University Global SystemTM
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Harvard® Frameworks & Templates: Innovation, Negotiation, Project, Risk, Responsibility Charts

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Harvard University Global System

Harvard® Strategy Grid
8½" X 11" (21 X 28 cm)
Code 55A

Harvard Strategy Checkerboard (code 55A)
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Harvard Strategy Checkerboard (code 55A)
Right page (front)

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This creativity tool helps users seek a complete panorama of strategic choices with less guesswork. It widens the window through which opportunities are viewed . With this grid, you can organize your thinking process and break down the barriers to innovation - at every step along the value chain. Even when the strategy is clear, its execution can be fraught with perils. That is why the tool also provides a step-by-step scenario to help users reduce implementation risks, turn resistance to change into constructive engagement, and mitigate residual risk and collateral damage.

Each two page document is sold in sets of 75 units.

Harvard® Timesaving Tools Undated Week-at-a-time 1A Today 10A
Today (French) 10F Action 12A
Action (French) 12F Meeting & Communication 14A
Contact Log (English) 90A Communication 18A
Note & Tabular Report 22A Grid Paper (Imperial & Metric) 23A
Expenses 30A Cheque Listing Sheet 31A
Project-Planning and Management Tools
Harvard® Time Log (100) 35A Harvard® Time Log (French) 35F
Harvard® Project-Scope Definition Grid 45A Harvard® Project-Scope Definition Grid (French) 45F
Negotiation Mandate 45N Negotiation Mandate (French) 45FN
Harvard® Brainstorming Grid 55    
Harvard® Project Strategy Brainstorming Template 55A Harvard® Strategy Grid (French) 55F
Harvard® Negotiation Strategy Team-Brainstomring Board 55N Negotiation Strategy Grid (French) 55FN
Responsibility Chart 60A Responsibility Chart (French) 60F

The Professional Development Institute® PDI Inc.
PDI Conference Campus & Harvard® Worldwide Order Center
Toll-free: USA and Canada: 1-800-HARVARD (1-800-427-8273). +1-819-772-7777
Monday through Thursday: 9 AM to 4:00 PM, EDT. Voicemail: 24 hours 7 days
Important: Sorry, all visits by appointment only. No walk-ins.
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We are 10-minute drive from downtown Ottawa (Parliament),
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