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Carney, Marie L.: Etiquette in Business, Lee Press, 2007. ISBN: 1406703982. Also available online at Google books

Administrative Assistant Adviser Magazine, Progressive Business Publication, ASIN: B00006K1U8

Barnes, Carolyn and Manning, Marilyn: Professional Excellence for Secretaries: Practical Proven Techniques for Professional Development, 1988.

Belker, Loren: The First-Time Manager, AMACOM. 1997. ISBN: 0814479405.

Boyett, Joseph and Boyett, Jimmie: The Guru Guide: The Best Ideas of the Top Management Thinkers, John Wiley & Sons, 1998.

Burleson, Clyde W.: Effective Meetings: The Complete Guide, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. 1990. ISBN 0-471-50844-6.

Burke, Michelle Marie: The Valuable Office Professional: For Administrative Assistants, Office Managers, Secretaries, and Other Support Staff, AMACOM. 1997. ISBN: 0814478883.

Cuomo, Mathilda Raffa: The Person Who Changed My Life: Prominent People Recall Their Mentors, Barnes & Noble. 2002. ISBN 0-7607-3953-6.

Duncan, Melba J.: The New Executive Assistant: Advice for Succeeding in Your Career, McGraw-Hill Trade. 1997. ISBN: 0070182418.

Harvard Business School: Harvard Business Review on Leadership, Harvard Business School Publishing, 1998. ISBN 0-87584-883-4.

Hemhill, Barbara, and Quinn Gibbard, Pamela: Simplify Your Workday, Reader’s Digest, 1998. ISBN 0-7621-0098-2.

Isaacs, Florence: Business Notes: Writing Personal Notes that Build Professional Relationships, Clarkson N. Porter Publishers, 1998. ISBN 0-517-70891-4.

Jean, Anna-Carin: The Organizer: Secrets & Systems from the World's Top Executive Assistants, HarperCollins, 1998. ISBN: 0060392290.

Katzenbach, Jon R. and Smith Douglas K.: The Wisdom of Teams, Harvard BusinessSchool Press, 1993

Lunden, Joan, and Cagan Andrea: Joan Lunden’s The Bend of the Road Is Not the End of the Road: 10 positive Principles for Dealing with Change, 1998. William Morrow & Company, New York, 1998. ISBN 0-668-16083-2.

John C. Maxwell: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville. 1998. ISBN 0-78527-034-5

McGraw, Philip C.: Life Strategies, Hyperion, 1999. ISBN 0-7868-8459-2

Martin, Alain Paul: Bring Time to Life,, 1994. ISBN 086502-023-X.

Orman, Suze: 9 Steps to Financial Freedom: Practical and Spiritual Steps So You Can Stop Worrying, Three Rivers Press. 2000. ISBN: 0609801864

Quick, Thomas L.: Successful Team Building, American Management Association, New York, 1992. ISBN 0-8144-7794-1.

Richardson, Cheryl: Take Time for Your Life: A Personal Coach's Seven-Step Program for Creating the Life You Want, Broadway Books. 1999. ISBN: 0767902076.

Roffer, Barbara Fisher: Make a Name for Yourself: 8 Steps Every Woman Needs to Create a Brand Strategy for Success, Broadway Books, New York, 2000. ISBN 0-7679-0492-3.

Ruiz, Don Miguel: The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, Amber-Allen Pub. 1997. ISBN: 1878424319

Russo, Sarina: Meet Me at the Top, Crown Content, Melbourne, Australia. 2002. ISBN 1-86350-380-3.

Smith, Manuel J.: When I say No I feel Guilty, A Train Press. 2000. ISBN: 0970299605.

Stroman, James and Wilson, Kevin:
Administrative Assistant's & Secretary's Handbook, AMACOM. 1995. ISBN: 0814402739.

Tarbell, Shirley: Administrative and Executive Assistant Career Starter, LearningExpress. 2002. ISBN: 1576853969.

Wellington, Sheila: Be Your Own Mentor: Strategies from Top Women on the Secrets of Success. Random House, New York, 2001. ISBN: 037550060X

Wisinski, Jerry: Building a Partnership With Your Boss: A Take-Charge Assistant Book.AMACOM, 1999. ISBN: 0814470130.

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Adeline, Michèle : Pôle gestion et organisation - BTS assistant de direction et assistant secrétaire trilingue, Fontaine-Picard. 2000. ISBN : 2744604054.

Bacal, Robert : Améliorer les performances de son équipe. Coaching, motivation, évaluation, Maxima. 2001. ISBN : 284001257X.

Bazin, Dorothée, et Broillard, Anne : Le guide de la secrétaire de A à Z, Dunod. 2003. ISBN 2100070274.

Besson, Michel et Laloum, Yolande : Assistant de direction, Dunod. 2003. ISBN : 2100057979.

Bressi, Giuseppe: Organisation et gestion de l’entreprise, Foucher, 2002. ISBN 2-216-09306-8.

Collectif : Le Parfait Secrétaire : 300 modèles de lettres pour l'entreprise, Larousse, Paris. 2000. ISBN : 2035602106.

Devillard, Olivier : Coacher : Efficacité personnelle et performance collective, Dunod. 2001. ISBN : 2100048457.

Dubost, Josette : Le Temps maîtrisé ou La Secrétaire efficace, Demos, 2002. ISBN : 2910157687

Fernandez, Florence, et Lozato, Michel : Assistant de gestion PME – PMI, Dunod, 2003. ISBN : 2100069489.

Higy-Lang, Chantal : Le Coaching, Editions d'Organisation, 2002. ISBN : 2708126938

Jouanin-Perrin : Secrétaire et manager - une équipe gagnante, D'Organisation (Editions), 199. ISBN: 270812255X.

Le Nouvel: Gestion et organisation bts assistant de direction, Nathan. 2002. ISBN : 2091791164.

Martin, Alain Paul : Conjuguer le temps et la vie, L’Institut supérieur de gestion, Ottawa, 1995.

Messan-Laurent, Françoise : La secrétaire modèle : Etude sociologique, L'Harmattan, Paris. 2000. ISBN : 2738405800.

Roffe-Vidal, Jeremy, et Vanbremeersch, Christie : Recruter et motiver ses collaborateurs, First Editions, 2002. ISBN : 2876916606.

Stumm-Schwager : Le parfait secrétaire, Larousse, 2000. ISBN: 2035602106.

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