The Professional Development InstituteTM
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Negotiation, Mediation, ADR and Conflict Resolution
Books, Articles, Web Sites & Seminars
Compiled by PDI Global Intelligence Team

1. Interest-Based Negotiation, ADR & Conflict-Resolution Workshops

Strategy, Risk Management, Principled Negotiation & Leadership
Workplace Conflict Prevention Skills Through Ongoing Interest-Based
   Discussion Groups: A Joint Union-Management Workshop

Advanced Negotiation and Strategic Procurement Workshop

2. Mediation & Negotiation Planning Tools

An integral part of Harvard University Global System® (HUGS), these tools speed-up the preparation of negotiations and help reduce the uncertainty facing negotiators, mediators, arbitrators, project managers, bankers, diplomats and other professionals, be they tackling big-ticket items or day-to-day negotiation work. Subjected to extensive field tests, HUGS templates are potent brainsorming tools to invent options for mutual gains, anticipate and manage frequently neglected risks.

Harvard University Global System
Harvard Negotiation Mandate
Harvard Negotiation-Strategy Tool
Harvard Responsibility & Accountability Chart

3. Web References: Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation & ADR

Principled-Negotiation Framework

Negotiating Palliative Care

Guidelines for Interpersonal Communication, Effective Techniques to Improve Interactions,
   Linda Wilcox, Harvard University,

Crafting Effective Persuasive Arguments

Writing to Persuade

Communicating through Reports

Organizing and Writing Short Reports and Proposals

Writing a Formal Report

Organizing and Composing Messages

Revising and Proofreading Messages

Writing about the Unpleasant

Helping Others Resolve Conflicts: Empowering Stakeholders, Gregorio Billikpf, Berkeley

Principled Negotiation, Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado

Book Summary: Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, R. Fisher & W. Ury

Further Evidence of Discrimination in New Car Negotiations and Estimates
   of Its Cause, Ian Ayres, Yale University

Glossary of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Terms

User's Guide to Collaborative Dispute Resolution, Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium

Summary of Bernard Mayer's Book: The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioner's Guide

ADR Resource Guide, Office of Personnel Management, US Government


Mediation, Conflict Research Consortium, University of Colorado

The Mediation Process, Marsha L. Wagner, Columbia University

World Bank's Mediation Services

Mediation Books and Videos, World Bank Reference

Peer Mediation

Mediation in International Business, J. W. Salacuse,
   The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Economic Rationales for Mediation, Ian Ayres & Jennifer Brown, Yale University

Reference Library of Databases, Portals, Research Institutions and International Organizations

International Commission on Arbitration, Int'l Chamber of Commerce, 90 countries

The National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA)

The RAND Institute for Civil Justice

American Arbitration Association Worldwide Headquarters, New York

American Bar Association, Dispute Resolution Team

The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR)

National Institute on Dispute Resolution

Workplace Conflict Management

Responses to Offensive or Harassing Behavior

Dealing with Really Stressful or Unstable Workplace Situations
   Marsha L. Wagner, Columbia University

Informal Conflict Resolution Strategies
   Marsha L. Wagner, Columbia University

Calculating the Financial Cost of Organizational Conflict - An Example

Drafting-and Perhaps Sending-a Private Letter to a Person
   Who Has Harrassed or Offended You, Prof. Mary Rowe, MIT

Writing a Letter - A Tool for Conflict Resolution
   Adaptation of MIT's document (see Prof. Mary Rowe above)

Framework and Resources for Employment Conflicts, Marsha L. Wagner, Columbia University

Elements of an Effective Apology, Marsha L. Wagner, Columbia University

Making and Keeping a Record of an Incident

Privacy, Jeffrey Pittman, 2006

Calculating The Cost of Conflict

Mission, Code of Ethics, Establishment and Operations of Ombuds Office

The International Ombudsman Institute

Electronic Virtual Negotiations

A Multiagent System Infrastructure and Negotiation Framework
   for Electric Power Systems, V. Vishwanathan, J. McCalley and V. Honavar

E-Commerce Trading: Negotiating With Experience
   Wai Yat Wong, Dong Mei Zhang, Mustapha Kara-Ali

Let's Agree to Disagree, Shiva Nejati and Marsha Chechik
A Two-Level Framework for Complex Negotiations
   Xiaoqin Zhang, Victor Lesser and Tom Wagner

4. Books & Papers: Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation & ADR

Bercovitch, Jacob. Social Conflicts & 3rd Parties: Strategies of Conflict Resolution. Westview, 1984.
Binnendijk, Hans. National Negotiating Styles. Foreign Service Institute, U.S. Dept of State, 1987.
Bisno, Herb. Managing Conflict. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1988.
Blake, Robert. Solving Costly Organizational Conflicts. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984.
Brown, David L. Managing Conflict at Organizational Interfaces. MA: Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1983.
Carter, Jimmy. Negotiation: the Alternative to Hostility. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1984.
Coffin, Royce A. The Negotiator: A Manual for Winners. AMA Publishing, 1973.
Conner, Dennis and Edward Claflin. The Art of Winning. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1988.
Edelman, J. & M. B. Crain. The Tao of Negotiation, Collins, New York, 1994.
Fisher, Roger. Beyond Machiavelli: Tools for Coping with Conflict. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1994.
Fisher, Roger and William Ury. Getting to Yes. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1981.
Illich, John. The Art and Skill of Successful Negotiation. Prentice Hall, 1973.
Illich, John. Dealbreakers & Breakthroughs. Wiley, New York, 1992.
Jandt, Fred E. Win-win Negotiating: Turning Conflict into Agreement. Wiley, 1985.
Karrass, Chester. Give & Take. World Publishing, Cleveland, 1985.
Karrass, Chester L. The Negotiating Game. Cleveland: World Publishing, 1970.
Kennedy, Gavin. Pocket Negotiator. The Economist Bosh, London, 1993.
Knapp, M.L. Nonverbal ommunication in Human Interaction. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1972.
Kolb, Dorothy. Her Place at the Table: Gender Negotiation. Sage Publishing, San Fransisco, 1986.
Kreisberg, Louis. Intractable Conflicts and their Transformation. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, 1989.
Lakos, Amos. International Negotiations: A Bibliography. Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1989.
Lewicki, Roy J. and Al. Negotiation - Readings, Exercises and Cases. Irwin, Boston, 1993.
Liddell, Hart B.H. Strategy. Signet Books, 1974.
Lockhart, Charles. Bargaining in International Conflicts. Columbia University Press, 1979.
Marsh, P.D.V. Contract Negotiation Handbook. Gower Press, England, 1974.
Miller, Abraham H. Terrorism and Hostage Negotiations. Westview Press, 1980.
Murnighan, J. K. Bargaining Games - Strategic Thinking in Negotiations. Morrow, 1992.
Nierenberg, Gerard I. The Art of Negotiating. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1981.
Nierenberg, Gerard I. Fundamentals of Negotiating. Hawthorne Books, New York, 1973.
Nierenberg-Calero. How to Read a Person Like a Book. Hawthorne, 1971.
Nierenberg-Calero. Meta-Talk. Simon & Schuster, 1974.
Pruitt, Dean. Negotiation Behavior. Academic Press, New York, 1981.
Raiffa, Howard. The Art & Science of Negotiation. Harvard University Press, 1982.
Rangarajan, L.N. The Limitation of Conflict: a Theory of Bargaining and Negotiation. St. Martin's, 1985.
Rubin, J. Z. and B. Brown. The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation. Academic Press, 1975.
Rubin, Jeffrey Z. Negotiation Journal. Plenum Press, New York.
Saaty, Thomas. Conflict Resolution: The Analytical Hierarchy Approach. Praeger, 1989.
Strauss, Anselm. Negotiations. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1978.
Stroebe, W. The Social Psychology of Intergroup Conflict: Theory, Research, and Applications. Springer-Verlag, 1988.
Susskind, L. Breaking the Impasse: Consensual Approaches to Resolving Public Disputes. Basic Books, 1987.
Ury, W. Getting Disputes Resolved: Designing Systems to Cut the Costs of conflict. Jossey-Bass, 1988.
Walton, Dick and McKersie. A Behavioral Theory of Labor Negotiation. McGraw Hill, New York, 1965.
Wheeler, Hoyt N. Industrial Conflict: an Integrative Theory. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, S.C., 1985.
Yates, Douglas. The Politics of Management. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1985.
Zartman, William I. The Practical Negotiator. Yale University Press, New Haven, 1982.
Zartman, William I. The Negotiation Process: Theories and Applications. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA, 1978.

5. Books & Papers in French: Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation & ADR

Audebert-Lasrochas, Patrick. Personnalité du Négociateur et Structure de la Négociation. Thèse, Lille, 1984.
Audebert-Lasrochas, Patrick. Profession négociateur. Editions d'organisation, Paris, 1995.
Axelrod, Robert. Donnant-Donnant. Ed. Odile Jacob, Paris, 1992.
Bellenger, Lionel. Les outils du négociateur. Editions ESF, Paris, 1991.
Couvrau, Sophie et Pascal Martin. Négocier le prix de vente. Editions d'organisation, Paris, 1993.
Fifer, R. Libres propos pour doubler ses profits; le livre qu'aucun patron français n'ose écrire. Maxima, Paris, 1995.
Fisher, Roger and William Ury. Comment réussir une négociation. Seuil, Paris.
Ghazal, Michel. Mange ta soupe et...tais-toi. Seuil, Paris, 1992.
Hamon, Maurice. Négocier avec succès. Fernand Nathan, Paris, 1994.
Jolibert, Alain et Mand Tixier. La négociation commerciale.  Enterprise moderne d'édition-Librairies techniques, ESF.
Karrass, Gary. Marché conclu. Rivages, Les Echos.
Lellouche, Yves et Florence Piquet. Guide PME de la négociation commerciale vendeur-acheteur. Dunod, Paris, 1994.
Leroux, M. et M. Delain. Les dimensions cachées de la négociation. INSEP, Paris, 1992.
Martin, Alain . La gestion proactive. L'Institut supérieur de gestion, IGS, Ottawa, 1985.
Maddux, Robert B. Devenez un négociateur qui gagne. Les Presses du Management, 1995.
Maddux, Robert B. Les 8 erreurs à éviter à tout prix, les 8 stratégies pour jouer "gagnant". 1995.
Maubert, Jean-François. Négocier les clefs pour réussir. Dunod, Paris, 1990.
Perrotin, Roger. L'entretien d'achat: Tactiques de négociation. Les éditions d'organisation, Paris, 1992.
Plante, Gilles. Le conflit du travail: stratégie et tactique. Les presses de l'Université Laval, 1984.
Vermot-Gaud, Claude. Je négocie avec mes partenaires sociaux.  Editions d'organisation, Paris, 1988.
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